Obion County Board of Education
September 7, 2010

Agenda Item: IX.D.

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #1.808 – Registered Sex Offenders

Background Information:

The Tennessee School Boards Association (TSBA) has recommended changes to Board Policy #1.808 – Registered Sex Offenders, and I agree with these changes. The Board’s current policy is included for your reference.

  1. Beginning on line 7, the entire sentence is deleted. Third parties, not the schools, have the responsibility for ensuring that their employees are not registered sex offenders.
  2. The additions and deletions beginning on line 12 comply with TCA §40-39-211, as amended by legislation.
  3. The deletions starting with line 26 are subsequently clarified with the additions beginning on line 31; however, a correction needs to be made with the sentence beginning on line 34. This sentence should read “An offender may come within the 1,000 feet limit provided that the individual is dropping off or picking up a child or children enrolled in the school and the person is the child or children’s parent or legal guardian.”
  4. For policy, I recommend adding the following to the beginning of line 37, “Parents or legal guardians of a child or children enrolled in a school shall provide written notice of the parent’s or legal guardian’s offender status to the school’s principal or a school administer upon enrollment.”
  5. Beginning on page 2, the entire paragraph is recommended for deletion. The law does not allow any other contact with school activities except as provided above. Neither the director of schools nor the Board can grant an exception not provided for by law.

Staff Recommendation:

I agree with the above-noted amendments to Board Policy #1.808 and recommend approval. Since this is the beginning of a new school year, I recommend adoption of these amendments on first and final reading.